
Modern Washroom Management System

CurvedSphere developed a web-based mobile application to automate the management of washroom cleaning and maintenance for leading facility management companies.

The Challenge

Hygiene360 is a leader in washroom management. The business is manually intensive that requires constant supervision to ensure that appropriate hygiene standards are met.

The Objective

A smart washroom management system that allows monitoring, tracking, and reporting in real-time.

Project Process

Find out the design solution.


Specification Specifying the functions needed together with our customer


Web design & Wireframe


Web development, coding


Testing and bug fixing


Publishing website on server

App Features

Washroom feedback with follow-up questions based on the feedback selected by the users.

Cleaner staff’s shift management.

Dynamic Route list: Guide cleaner about which washroom to clean next based on reset parameters like footfall, poor feedback & cleaning overdue.

Mapping of the whole washroom asset so that cleaning and maintenance personnel log issues quickly and operations are appropriately coordinated.

The whole app is backed by an advanced web portal for analytics, various reports, staff management & application management.

Washroom cleaning countdown. It shows when the last cleaning was done and the time for the next cleaning.

Cleaning checklist for the cleaners.

Visitor counter: get real-time visits update and statistics so management can plan the cleaning schedule efficiently.

Maintenance and general issue reporting and instructions for the cleaning team.


Hygiene experienced demand exceeding all expectations from leading facilities for Hygiene 360 with in successful deployment at multiple locations including airports, malls, and hospitals.

Modern washroom
Modern washroom
Modern washroom
Modern washroom